4 Human rights organizations call for amending Section 112 stating Lèse-majesté verdicts reach 100 in less than two years

In less than two years, the number of verdicts in lèse-majesté cases has reached 100, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Union for Civil Liberty (UCL), and Internet Law Reform Dialogue (iLaw) said today. Most of these cases were brought in connection with the defendants’ participation in pro-democracy […]



August 2023: A total of 1,925 people have been politically prosecuted in 1,241 cases

August 2023: A total of 1,925 people have been politically prosecuted in 1,241 cases *[Information as of 5 September 2023.] In August 2023, prosecution of political expressions continued amidst the formation of a new government led by the Pheu Thai Party. There has been a slight increase in the number of both lawsuits containing lèse-majesté […]



June 2023: a total of 1,916 people have been politically prosecuted in 1,226 cases

In June, while only few new politically-motivated lawsuits emerged, the trials of many existing ones proceeded in full swing. The courts have issued verdicts for at least 12 lese-majeste cases within a course of merely one month acquitting, convicting (imprisonment), or suspending the punishment of the defendants. As a result, two more people in these […]



April 2023: a total of 1,902 people in 1,203 cases have been politically prosecuted

Along with the scorching heat of April, the political temperature in Thailand has been rising steadily as the general election approaches. Meanwhile, the political lawsuits continue their courses. At least five more people have been charged with lèse-majesté last month while the Public Assembly Act and Section 116 are still used to accuse politicians and […]



At least 349 people, activists, youth monitored, harassed and violated by authorities in 2022

In 2022, the state of harassment against activists and individuals by government officials continued and intensified, ranging from intimidation tactics such as visits at residences, workplaces, and educational institutions, surveillance and photographing, to summons for talks at private and governmental premises without a warrant or any documents. In November and December 2022, 69 more individuals—4 […]



November 2022: at least 1,886 people were politically prosecuted in 1,159 cases

During the month of November, political prosecution continued as intense with cases from protests during APEC2022 involving arrest of civilians and summon warrants issued to activists. New arrests on the basis Section 112 (Lèse-majesté) continue to be reported periodically while many prosecuted for violation of Emergency Decree continue their defense with most cases concluded as […]



“Eia” A 12-year-old child who is a favorite among protestors and faces up to four years in prison

Series: YOUNG มีหวัง Seventeen years – the age of “Thanakon,” the first youth charged with violation of Article 116 of the Criminal Code and “Sainam,” the first youth charged with violation of Article 112 (lèse-majesté) of the Criminal Code. Sixteen years – the age of “Nat,” the youth who experienced the longest period of detention […]


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