At least 349 people, activists, youth monitored, harassed and violated by authorities in 2022

In 2022, the state of harassment against activists and individuals by government officials continued and intensified, ranging from intimidation tactics such as visits at residences, workplaces, and educational institutions, surveillance and photographing, to summons for talks at private and governmental premises without a warrant or any documents. In November and December 2022, 69 more individuals—4 […]



National Youth Day: Revisiting Recommendations about Child Protection from International Community to Thailand on the World Stage.

As 20 September 2022 is Thailand’s National Youth Day (วันเยาวชนแห่งชาติ), it is appropriate for us to revisit some of the commitments and promises Thailand has made (and refused to make) to the international community with regards to children’s rights. Thailand’s obligations vis-à-vis children under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the […]

