1 Year of “Run Against Dictatorship” with 8 Ongoing Lawsuits, keeping an Eye on the Constitutional Court’s Deliberation on Public Assembly Act

1 year anniversary of “Run Against Dictatorship”, running activity aims to send out political messages. It was held simultaneously in different regions over the country on Sunday, 12 January 2020. From the follow-up of Thai Lawyer for Humans Rights “Run Against Dictatorship” was organized in 49 locations, at least 39 provinces in all regions of […]



You Can “Run Against Dictatorship”: Basic Legal Recommendations before Staging a “Run Against Dictatorship” Event

On 12 January 2020, people in several Thai provinces and abroad will unite to “Run Against Dictatorship”. Thai Lawyers for Human Rights has found that event organizers in Bangkok and other provinces have faced difficulty in obtaining permission to use some locations for the event, being threatened by officials when requesting permission to stage the […]

