Three more prominent leaders, all accused of violating Section112, denied bail in the wake of the indictment of 18 Ratsadon activists in the #19SeptRestoringPeoplePower demonstration case

Today (8 March 2020) at the Office of Attorney General on Ratchadapisek Road, the public prosecutors indicted 18 members of the “Ratsadon” movement cases related to the #19SeptRestoringPeoplePower demonstration. They are accused of violating the Penal Code’s Sections 112 and 116 and other 9 charges. They were then brought to the court for bail hearing […]



Human Rights Situation Report February 2021

In February, the pattern of legal harassment by the authorities has emerged. The “public health” regulations and the “lèse-majesté” law were concomitantly used against dissidents. Oftentimes the laws were interpreted in an arbitrary manner, resulting in rising numbers of citizens suffering from politically motivated lawsuits. Beyond the realm of law court, violence was spilled onto […]



Human Rights Situation Report January 2021

With the continuation of COVID 19-related restrictions in January, the authorities have developed legal mechanism for limiting any possibility of public demonstration, and persecuting dissidents on grounds of public health and safety violations. The well-being and political rights of Thai citizens remain gravely unprotected as the abuse of the “lèse-majesté” law is intensified, leading to […]



“This imprisonment is unjust”: Reflections from the defense lawyer on the day four people were denied bail

(Published in Thai on 15 February 2020) Around one week ago, four men were sitting on a bench in front of the Criminal Court’s arraignment room. The room’s interior is decorated similarly to trial rooms where the judge would preside the throne erected high above our heads. The youngest man wearing square-shaped glasses was still […]



The plaint of pounding “Mike-Penguin’s” prisoner vehicle, 7.5 years with their bail request denied of suspects, while one insisting not participating in the assembly.

24 February 2021, public prosecutors of the Office of Attorney General (Department of Special Litigation 5) indicted Nutthanon Chaimahabutra and other four suspects in the Black Criminal Case no. O.420/2021 allegedly for “illegal assembly of ten persons and upward to do or threaten to do an act of violence, resisting or preventing an official from […]



23 citizens-juveniles charged with 28th February protest incident (#ม็อบ28กุมภา) before the court allows the bail.

On 28th February 2021, the police arrested 23 citizens divided into 19 citizens and 4 juveniles whose ages are under 18. The police disbanded the demonstration (#มอ็ บ28กุมภา) held by ‘REDEM’ group, and pressed 6 charges against 22 individuals and 5 charges against a citizen. The arrest took place at Din Daeng Metropolitan Police Station.  […]



At least 6 individuals held imprisoned under Section 112 and 1 individual held imprisoned under Section 116 of the Criminal Code

After the precedent judgement of the Criminal Court in the case of Section 112 of “Anchan”, she was sentenced to 87 years in prison. The sentence was reduced by half to 29 years and 174 months in prison owned by Anchan’s plead guilty. Afterwards, the Court of Appeal issued an order not allowing bail out […]



1 Year of “Run Against Dictatorship” with 8 Ongoing Lawsuits, keeping an Eye on the Constitutional Court’s Deliberation on Public Assembly Act

1 year anniversary of “Run Against Dictatorship”, running activity aims to send out political messages. It was held simultaneously in different regions over the country on Sunday, 12 January 2020. From the follow-up of Thai Lawyer for Humans Rights “Run Against Dictatorship” was organized in 49 locations, at least 39 provinces in all regions of […]

