Number of protesters arrested in August reached 260, including 70 children and youths, while 53 got injured

Thailand’s political temperature is rising in August 2021 as protesters have returned to the street to call for General Prayut Chan-o-cha to step down from his position due to the Prime Minister’s failure to manage the COVID-19 crisis, including the issues of vaccine administration, economic downturn, and intense rollout of new rules for restricting freedom […]



The fight of “Luang Pee Tham,” a monk who held a protest sign in support of gender diversity

This article recounts the path towards “enlightenment” of three monks and novices involved in political demonstrations for demanding democracy and equality alongside school and university students and ordinary citizens over the past year since the first protest held by the Free Youth Group on 18 July 2020. Moreover, this article will help our readers understand […]



“Getting arrested makes me want to fight even harder”: Interview with ‘Tong Taluhfah,’ the only woman detained from the #2AugRally

Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) is going through yet another round of visiting political detainees. While Thailand is under the third wave of the COVID-19 outbreak, the country has already seen five waves of detaining protestors in cases related to political assemblies since the first demonstration held by the Free Youth Group.  The first […]



The journey of thoughts of “Samanera Folk,” the novice who faces a lese majeste charge

Our interview series “First Sermon before taking the path towards democracy: Background stories before the political awakening of Ratsadon monks/novices” are divided into three parts. Each of them presents the stories of individual monks and novices with unique backgrounds and paths leading them to join the fight for equality.  Read Part 1 >>  Luang Pee Phupha: […]



Luang Pee Phupha: On being a Phu Paan kid, reading a protest poem on stage, and establishing the “Carrot Gang”

The article recounts the path towards “enlightenment” of three monks and novices involved in political demonstrations for demanding democracy and equality alongside school and university students and ordinary citizens over the past year since the first protest held by the Free Youth Group on 18 July 2020. Moreover, this article will help our readers understand […]



“Prayut issued a regulation blocking internet access upon unlawful conditions without legal authority.”: Observations about Emergency Decree Regulation No. 29

On 29 July 2021, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha exercised his power under Section 9 of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (2005) to issue Regulation issued under Section 9 of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (2005) (No. 29) [Hereinafter “Emergency Decree Regulation (No. 29)”]. The […]



Bail money for political cases related to rights to freedom of expression and assembly exceeds 30 million baht (one million USD)

Between 18 July 2020, the first Free Youth rally, and 22 July 2021, a total of 34,509,500 baht (approx. 1,049,942 USD)[1] were paid to the court as bail surety for 582 times for 404 individuals in 167 cases.[2] Such high amounts of surety money illustrate the overburdening costs put on those charged from exercising civil […]


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