Joint Letter: Thai officials must drop all the ongoing prosecutions under the Emergency Decree

On November 8, 2022, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights together with 23 other Human Rights Organizations submitted a letter to various foreign embassies in Thailand including the members states of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC such as the embassies of The United States of America, Canada, and Australia, the European Union member states such […]



October 2022: at least 1,864 people were politically prosecuted in 1,145 cases

During the month of October, there were not many new individuals being prosecuted. However, the cases charged under Section 112 (Lèse-majesté) of Thailand’s Criminal Code and cases on the ground of violating the Emergency Decree for holding public assemblies during 2020 are still ongoing in court proceedings, including hearing verdicts. Even though the Emergency Decree […]

